Training & Education

DRN Training Courses

One of the UK Clinical Research Collaboration’s five main objectives is:

‘Building up an expert research workforce to support clinical research’

In order to increase the research capacity of the NHS, the UK Clinical Research Collaboration is developing an expert workforce to support all aspects of clinical research. In large part, this is implemented via the UK Clinical Research Network.

The Training and Education workstream at the UK Clinical Research Network is responsible for running a large number of courses. The majority of these are generic and are run by the UK Clinical Research Network and include, for example, Good Clinical Practice and Valid Informed Consent courses.

Certain courses specific to the topic specific research networks are, however, devolved to the respective coordinating centres to plan to develop courses particular, specialised courses. A relatively small number of these more specialised courses are run by the Diabetes Research Network.

Introduction to Diabetes

The aims of the Introduction to Diabetes course are to provide a basic knowledge and understanding of:

  • The mechanisms behind diabetes and its complications
  • Different types of diabetes and how it is classified and diagnosed
  • Optimal care and the treatments options available for people with diabetes
  • The impact of diabetes on society and health care systems
  • Why it is important to study this disease process
  • The major influential studies conducted in people with diabetes
  • The importance of consumer involvement in diabetes research.

Following the course, participants are skilled to be able to:

  • Understand the impact of diabetes on individuals and society
  • Understand the different types of diabetes
  • Understand the complications of diabetes
  • Understand optimal care pathways for people with diabetes
  • Understand how the major studies conducted in people with diabetes have contributed to changes in care
  • Understand why it is important to involve consumers in the research process
  • Participate in and contribute to discussions about diabetes

The course is ideal for administrative staff, clinical staff new to diabetes, managers, monitors, IT and data management staff as well as patients and carers.

The Introduction to Diabetes Course is run annually by the DRN Training and Education workstream.

Research Nurse Training and Education Symposium

The aims of this annual Training and Education Symposium are:

  • To develop knowledge and skills for running trials
  • To provide training relevant to the degree of current knowledge
  • To increase knowledge and understanding of diabetes
  • To develop skills relevant to diabetes clinical research nursing
  • To provide through a mixture of workshops and presentations training relevant to degree of current knowledge.

Delegates attending this event are invited to learn current state-of-the-art research from national and international experts in diabetes. Furthermore, as the course is run on a two–track system aimed at the less experienced nurses and the more experienced nurses respectively, sessions provide up-to-the-minute knowledge relevant to diabetes specialist research nursing from experienced colleagues.

The programme for each event is suggested by the Research Nurse Forum in collaboration with the co-ordinating centre to ensure each course is highly relevant and topical.

DRN Course Schedule 2011

    Course schedule to be updated shortly.

Other Training Courses