Eastern Region Diabetes Local Research Network

Our Research

The National Institute for Health Research Clinical Research Network (NIHR CRN) was set up to support and deliver high-quality clinical research studies. Its portfolio is a national list of all the research studies taking place in the UK which meet the criteria set by the Department of Health and so are eligible for NHS support.

Currently there are over 25 diabetes research studies on the DRN portfolio in Eastern England. You can find out more about studies currently open in the Eastern region in the spreadsheet below. This contains links to the NIHR Portfolio where you can read a research summary for each study.

Studies currently open in the Eastern region (data correct as at 29/11/11)

Researchers: If you'd like to find out more about how you can get involved in any of the studies highlighted in this section, please get in touch with the Eastern England Diabetes Local Research Network using the contact details on the right-hand side.

Patients and Members of the Public: If you'd like to get involved in diabetes research or would like to take part in any of the studies listed below, contact us and ask to speak to one of our Research Nurses. Our contact details are on the right-hand side.


Recruiting: Studies which are recruiting are looking for new participants to take part and may also be looking for new NHS sites to help with recruitment of participants. In some cases they may be open but following up with a group of participants who have been involved in the study previously.

IN SET-UP: A study that is in the stages of preparation and planning before opening to recruit participants.